Rachael & Rudy

March 23, 2025 • Pittsburgh, PA
10 Days To Go!

Rachael & Rudy

March 23, 2025 • Pittsburgh, PA
10 Days To Go!

Q + A

What time do the wedding festivities start?

The wedding festivities begin at 5pm with 'Kabbalat Panim' which translates to 'the receiving of faces,' where the bride and groom separately greet their guests before the ceremony begins. The bride is typically sitting on a special chair ("Hachnasat Kallah") and the groom at a table ("Chatan's Tisch"). This essentially acts as a pre-ceremony reception where guests offer well wishes and celebrate with the couple, allowing the bride and groom to connect with their loved ones before the ceremony. This will be followed by a "bedekin" where the groom symbolically veils the bride just before the ceremony, signifying that he is marrying her for her inner beauty and not just her physical appearance. This custom is rooted in the biblical story of Jacob who was tricked into marrying the wrong sister because she wore a veil.

What should I expect at the wedding ceremony?

The "chuppah," or Jewish wedding ceremony, will begin promptly at 6pm. The bride and groom will stand under a canopy, called a chuppah, which symbolizes the new home they will build together. The ceremony typically includes the circling of the bride around the groom seven times (representing the seven days of creation and the new world they are building together), the exchange of rings (kiddushin), blessings (including the sheva brachot), and the breaking of the glass.

Will there be childcare during the wedding?

No. However, you can consider finding a babysitter through Temps for Tots (412-212-TEMP). If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to us.